
Jaimie has a bachelor's degree in business with a major in accounting. When she isn't obsessing over making soap, she can be found gardening, or cuddling her rescue rabbits while "geeking out" on Star Trek and Star Wars shows.

Is it Dangerous to Reheat Lye Water for Soap Making?

If you’ve made soap more than a few times and are human, you’ve probably been interrupted or had your soap making delayed. That hot lye water you were patiently waiting on to cool down has gotten too cold. Your melted soaping oils have started getting cloudy. You may have to warm your oils up before […] Read more…

Making Soap with Tap Water: 3 Things You Must Know

When you first start making soap at home, you may wonder why your soap recipe calls for distilled water and not tap water. As it turns out, not all water is created equal, especially when it comes to soap making. It’s natural to want to save money when you first start making soap. It’s great […] Read more…

Biggest Mistake When Pricing Handmade Soap - Soap Authority

Biggest Mistake When Pricing Handmade Soap

Correctly pricing your handmade soap can make the difference in whether or not your soap making business succeeds. Pricing your soap can be pretty confusing and seem complicated. There are a lot of opinions for pricing handmade soap and it can leave you feeling stuck wondering which direction you want to go. The biggest mistake […] Read more…

Making Soap with Goat Milk Kefir - Soap Authority: Learn how I make soap from goat milk kefir along with helpful tips.

Making Soap With Milk Kefir

To make an all natural “foodie” type soap, I couldn’t resist using my homemade goat milk kefir! Keep in mind that when using any type of fermented food in soap making, you are destroying most, if not all, of the living probiotics. If the lye doesn’t “do them in” then they will starve during the […] Read more…

Mirror Glaze Soap Cakes - Soap Authority: Follow along as I make six mirror glaze soap cakes using the same technique bakers use.

Mirror Glaze Soap Cakes

Making Mirror Glaze Soap Cakes with Soap Dough Making cold process soap by using the mirror glaze technique is similar to the cake decorating technique. This technique uses a combination of cold process soap, soap piping and tiny embellishments sculpted from soap dough. Soap Dough Prep Using soap dough I made last month and sealed […] Read more…

Kawaii Cupcakes Inlaid Soap - Soap Authority: Making detailed soap designs using embeds, soap carving and soap dough!

Kawaii Cupcake Inlaid Soap

Making kawaii cupcake inlaid soap using 100 percent cold process soap. This soap project is a combination of several inlaid soap techniques used to achieve detail not possible with other methods of design. Goal The goal with this soap making project was to use several different soap making techniques to achieve a flat inlaid type […] Read more…

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