When you first attempt making your own soap, you probably want to minimize your tool and ingredient shopping list. I mean, who wants to spend a bunch of money on a hobby that might not be your thing, right? One of those tools is a stick blender, and you may be wondering if you really […] Read more…
Is it Dangerous to Reheat Lye Water for Soap Making?
If you’ve made soap more than a few times and are human, you’ve probably been interrupted or had your soap making delayed. That hot lye water you were patiently waiting on to cool down has gotten too cold. Your melted soaping oils have started getting cloudy. You may have to warm your oils up before […] Read more…
Making Soap Without Olive Oil: 6 Alternatives + 3 Recipes
Are you looking over your soap making ingredients for your next batch of soap, wondering if you can substitute one or more of your oils for a different oil? Substituting oils in soap making can be confusing and a little overwhelming, so I’m going to break it down in a simple format for you. When […] Read more…