Slice your soap slab lickety-split, without begging those jerk-face plastic dividers to let go of your soap!
It’s no secret that as a soap maker you need to make your cash count and squeeze more time out your bat-crazy schedule. Every bit of cash saved translates into more fragrances, and let’s be real. We soapers ALWAYS need one more bottle of fragrance!
Plus, prep and clean up seem to hog too much of the day, so whatever you can do to skewer the time piggies is a MUST!
Wanna more of have both? Build your own soap log splitter!
When you build your own soap loaf splitter, you’re stuffing more time back in your schedule. No more trying to make straight knife cuts or getting those soap dividers suctioned to your soap!
This splitter design is made to cut the width of the Essential Depot RED silicone molds, so you can keep your bars consistent.
Made to be used with my custom, 4-loaf soap mold, but can be modified to fit your needs!
This design costs a fraction of what commercially made loaf splitters do, without sacrificing quality!
Economical to make, especially if you use the scrap wood left over from making your slab mold!
Building your own soap loaf splitter will save you a ton of cash on shipping costs, since the can be expensive to ship.
Has multi-purpose handle. Use it either for a “stop” against the counter edge or use it as a handle to cut from the top of your slab down.
Cutting wire can be tightened for cutting and loosened for storage.
“Make Your Own Soap Loaf Splitter”
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